Thursday, August 27, 2009

MRI was.....NORMAL!

That's right! I got a message on my machine today saying "Your MRI was normal, if you're still having problems you can come back for a follow up."

Thank you God!!!! That's who I'd really love to thank. I mean, I still don't know what's wrong with me- but at least I know what's NOT wrong with me, at least at this very moment!
Praise God!

I can't quite get my head around it. I have an idea about what I think is going on (the ocular migraine theory), so I might eventually follow up with the neuro-ophtomologist but it is so reassuring to hear that you have a normal MRI.
Thank you to all who have prayed.
Love you guys!!


  1. God is faithful to us isn't He.I am so thankful that all is well inside your head!!! Woke up this morning and first thought was that the MRI was ok!! On vacation every morning my first thought was God I pray that everything is ok! It was a dull little worry that was there. I know that I said I had faith that it was nothing, but in reality my faith would ebb and I would get really afraid for you.
    So I hope that now you can be free from worry for a while...there are always new worries to fill in the gaps, but we can put this one to rest, thanks be to God, in Jesus glorios name!! AMEN!!
    Love you so, Mom
